
select * from ( select kyujin_id ,touroku_dt ,haishin_flg ,remind_flg ,mensetsu_kakuyaku_flg ,haishin_su ,oubo_su from sandbox.scout_flow_1127_haishin_dt where haishin_shubetsu = 'bb' and haishin_dt between '2019-11-01' and '2019-11-30' and oubo_su >= 1 ) aaaa left join ( select kyujin_id
,touroku_dt ,haishin_flg ,remind_flg ,mensetsu_kakuyaku_flg ,haishin_su ,oubo_su from sandbox.scout_flow_1127_haishin_mt where haishin_shubetsu = 'bb' and haishin_mt between '2019-11-01' and '2019-11-30' and oubo_su >= 1 ) abc on
aaaa.kyujin_id = abc.kyujin_id
and aaaa.touroku_dt = abc.touroku_dt
and aaaa.haishin_flg = abc.haishin_flg
and aaaa.remind_flg = abc.remind_flg and aaaa.mensetsu_kakuyaku_flg = abc.mensetsu_kakuyaku_flg and aaaa.haishin_su = abc.haishin_su and aaaa.oubo_su = abc.oubo_su